Friday, August 1, 2014

Direct Selling Model Broken Down For a 5th Grader!

Direct Sales Made Easy:

All Direct Sales Businesses need three primary things to be successful. They are: 
  • Lead Generation...The ability to produce information of people who are sincerely interested in your product, service or opportunity.
  • Lead Conversion...The ability to get your leads interested enough in your product, service or opportunity to buy from you or join you.
  • Lead Fulfillment...The ability to fulfill the expectations of your buyer or new business partner.
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EVERYONE is a lead!...There's tons of different ways to generate more leads online AND offline but just remember EVERYONE you ever see or meet is a lead. NOW you've gotta start the lead conversion process. I've broken the ENTIRE process down into 5 simple steps:

  • Audience - Indentifying the right people to either be a customer or a coach on your team.
  • Invite - Make a powerful invitation that will have them following up with YOU!
  • Follow-up - One on one meeting or 3 way call.
  • Introduce - After the choice of customer or coach we get them off to the right start. (plug them into the system or group)
  • Assimilation - The assimilation of necessary knowledge into one's DNA by immersion.
 ....I'll break down keys & tips on executing this process effectively in just a moment ;-)

Lead generation, lead conversion, sales funnels, generate more leads online, convert more leads, direct selling association

The Direct Selling Process Broken Down:

So what kind of process do you need to have sustained success or duplication in direct selling?
The process would look like this:
Lead generation, lead conversion, generate leads online, targeted lead generation, drive traffic online, sales funnels, generate more sales, online lead generation
Training (where we do 90% of the work then explain what we've just done)

Mentorship (where we do half)

Coaching (where we do 10% and critique their work)

That's one way we experience duplication. It may seem slow or like work BUT it's no where near as much work as having to constantly replace the people falling out of your business!...


LET'S TALK ABOUT THE INVITATION since that's where most people stumble...(there's a difference between a HOOK and the invite. The hook is a powerful one-liner you can use to get to an invite. The invite isn't rushed)

Example of a hook: "Are you absolutely MARRIED to your job or, if you heard of something that appeared to be less time consuming with the same or more income, would you be open?"......"Do you ever feel time deficient? (YES) Would you like me to show you a way to get more free time?"

We've proven over and over again that it is best to keep the Invitation Process as brief as possible. Your goal is to build trust & rapport then get their interest piqued OR get their contact information (if you're not already on the phone) and setup a follow-up time for a call or live meeting.

REMEMBER!: Whatever YOU do, they'll think that's what THEY have to do. If you present your opportunity solo then the prospect is saying to themselves, either consciously or unconsciously, they have to do what you are doing to be successfully. That's why the initial conversation is typically solo but then pass em' to a tool like a video or recording...cuz anyone can do that!

The primary focus should be on their Motivations and your Common Areas Of Interest. These two focus points give you the greatest rapport with the New Warm Market prospect.
Once you have rapport, you are ready to transition the conversation to the second Stage of the Invitation Conversation which is Framing the Opportunity which is TRULY important because this will have them WANTING to follow up with you when you part ways.

Framing The Opportunity:

The process of Framing the Opportunity is simply telling the story of your company, product/service and opportunity. All network marketing is, is telling a story so you may want to think about the different aspects of YOUR story. Is the story you're sharing compelling, is it interesting and would YOU want to be a part of that story if you were them?

Remember!...Your goal is NOT to sell, close or convince the New Warm Market Prospect to join or buy. Your goal is to get them to the next step!

You will sense when the person has heard enough that that they are ready for you to set an appointment. So pass them to a tool or video like a Hangout and set the appointment to follow up. Remember to appear busy, important and in control. Also, if you make an appointment to follow-up at 9pm the next day, make sure you follow up at that time AND you may want to send them a text about 10 minutes before you call and say "I'm wrapping something up & I'll call you in 10 minutes

The 3-way Call:

The 3-way call is SUPER important because, if done properly, it builds credibility in you, the company and the overall vision of what you're trying to accomplish.

The 3 way call ends one of 3 ways:
1. The New Warm Market prospect becomes a new partner or customer by an enrollment occurring at the end of the call.

2. A second appointment is set for the Enrollment call within 24 – 48 hours.

3. The New Warm Market prospect is not interested at this time and a future follow-up date is set.

Hopefully, this breakdown of the direct selling process is helpful. If you have any further questions, please post them in the comments and I'll answer them directly. If there's ANYTHING else you'd like info on or any sort of training on, please comment and I'll be SURE to address your comments ;-)